Thursday, August 17, 2017

Rusty Dusty–Silver Creek 8/16/2018



Loop ~ 58 miles , probably half was road
Riders – Scott, John

My first dirt bike ride in 6 weeks. Stuff then hot & smokey weather got in the way.

We parked across from Trail Creek campground to save the drive over the summit to the Plunge.
It’s been three years since Brian King took me on the loop :
Long Fork of Silver Creek /Bitter Creek , Habit Creek/ Peace Creek

It was a long day. My son had an early flight and wanted to get to the airport by 4:30AM.
I took a nap after dropping him off and got to Scott’s by 8:45.
We got on the bikes at 11AM back to the truck at 7PM , home 10:30PM
Good break from monuments, Nazis , Commies , politicians and other assorted fucktards .

As we geared up I realized I forgot a map. I’ll have to store by box of maps in the trailer .


On the ride into The Plunge we saw a trail head marker -
32 , Rattlesnake . Scott remembered it intersecting Peace Creek which it did at one time but now the maps
show it dead ends.

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Scott making call to get some trail intel. He was able to log into the
Parks & Rec database and see the trail dead ends .
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We rode into the Plunge , studied a FS map and picked up a MUMVM .


Long Fork Silver Creek -
Had a couple of spots that took two tries to get over .
The final climb was rocky and loose.

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Top of Bitter Root  which slammed you with a reality check as soon as you drop off .
Paddled down most of the descent. Hands and arms got fatigued working the brakes.
Then we crossed the Deadwood River . I dabbed across in 2nd , Scott choose to walk the bike across.
It was deep , up above the axels .

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Top of Peace Creek

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We took another break right above waterfall side hill.




End of day .

We stopped in Crouch for a pizza on the way home.