“Wickahoney Creek “Camp Out 3/30- 4/1.
Good beginners riding - roads and two tracks with lots of destinations.
Great dual sporting terrian.
We left Friday morning just before 8 and had breakfast at the Boise Stage Stop again.
Decided to setup camp about 2 miles off the Hwy51 on Battle Creek Road. There are a couple of spots near the corrals but decided I didn’t want to listen to the dishes rattling any longer than I had to.
“Friday loop” ~ 50 miles / 2.5 hrs rolling time + hiking
After getting set up we were able to head out on the bikes around 11. I decided to ride the 300EXC after getting it re-sprung. What a fun ride! Start out trying to follow some cow trails then some two tracks but as you can see we got turned around by some fence lines. On a ranch road heading north we saw coyotes and a heard of elk.
Stopped for lunch at Parker Trail Head. Scott was in charge of sandwiches.
Then followed a two track to the junction of Wickahoney and Big Jack’s Creeks.

We poked around the corrals a little bit, then headed west on two track just past the next cattle guard. One leg turned north and petered out near a dry lake bed. It was rocky and no trail so I didn’t try to take Scott into it.
Back tracked and followed a jeep trail down into the Duncan Creek Canyon.
Looked around Buncel Place a little bit.
Don’t know the history, looks to be a homestead or cattle station.

We then followed the road across the creek in search of Holeman Cabin (took a wrong turn but looks like an interesting dual sport loop into Wickahoney).
Holeman Cabin is on Big Jack’s Creek. We parked our bikes and started the hike to the bottom.
Made it to the bottom, but no cabin. Looked and looked but could not find it. What a gyp!
Started the long climb back up.
Got back to camp around 4PM.
Saturday Loop ~ 60 miles
Rolling time ~ 3.5 hours + hiking
Saturday we headed south to Wickahoney and the Little Blue Table. It was cloudy and cooler so we started out in our jackets. I rode the 400.
Wickahoney was 10-12 miles away.

Headstone: Joshua Dunning
1824- 1907
Margareta Dunning
Baby Dunning 1894
Unknown Miner 1910
From the stage stop we crossed the damn on the pond then followed the two track up the bluff (this is the track that intersects Battle Creek Road on top).
Went back down the hill in search of the Little Blue Table Calendar (Indian Carvings) .
On the prairie south of Wickahoney we saw the horses.
Road past the secret barn up toward the Little Blue Table. Followed a track into Crab Creek where we had lunch.
After lunch we explored more two tracks that ran up to the base of the cliffs that ring the basin. Hiked up from the end of several in search of trails to the carvings but no luck. May not have been in the right basin or was looking on the wrong end and there was still snow pack at cliff bases even if we found the trail.
Scott was about out of water and we already had clocked 40 miles so we called it a day and headed back down the Table. Scott was on my tail coming down the hill, then at the turn to Wickahoney he wasn’t there. Found him back on the hill trying to straiten his hand guards. Looked as if he got crossways in a rut. Gave him some trail mix while I got his bike back together. On the two track cutting across the prairie he was up on his foot pegs much of the way. At Wickahoney we followed a two track lower down that intersected Battle Creek road closer to the corrals. Saw a few antelope.
At camp Scott took a shower while I tried to teach myself wheelies. Found I could lift the 300 easier than the 400. Scott wouldn't comment on how "good" I looked. Also looks like the 400's water pump seal is leaking. I need to get more counseling from Bob.
Sunday we packed up and started toward home around 9:30 AM.
In Brunuea, I thought I saw Sam Stone at the One Stop. Turned around to say hi , but he was heading out
( those KLR riders hardley ever wave ).