TRAIL BOSS – Trent -2011 990
Riders – Travis -690
Dave- DR350
John- 1190R
photos – John, Trent
Rid’n with the Howie’s.
They all are Boise natives and racers – flat trackers , motocross ,……
Big Dave is 75 and makes good time on the DR350, never slows down through the corners.
Both Travis and Trent practice leaving long scratch marks sliding through turns .
I got a FB message from Trent to join him on an adventure ride Saturday morning.
Would be my first ride with the Howies’.
I was suppose to meet them near Ft Boise at 7AM. Of course I don’t recognize the
North End land marks in the dark. Travis and Trent find me on Shawn Mountain.
We ride over Rocky Canyon in the dark then HWY21 from Robie Creek to Idaho City.
It’s f’n cold on the highway, 35F when we roll into town. Just before we hit town
Trent gets a rear flat. It’s a framing nail that went thru the tread and side wall.
First stop was at Tom’s. Trent didn’t pack irons or patch kit. I just had a plug kit for my tubeless
tires. A group from Utah lent Trent some irons , but they didn’t have patches either.
With the small irons Trent could not break the bead. He decided to remount the tire and ride
back to Evergreen , the shop next to the ranger station.
We were lucky, they were there cleaning up tents used in fire fighting camps.
They let Trent have use of the shop. With the big truck irons he was able to break the bead.
I kept my helmet on while holding the tire. They also had patches and cement.
While breaking the bead it dawned on me the I’ve met Trent on the trail.
I tell him I think we crossed paths on Deadwood. David and I were just riding out of White Hawk
basin. Trent and his partner had started at Airline, poked a hole in the Honda’s case….
Trent remembered the encounter as well.

Travis and Big Dave had breakfast and warmed up at Trudy’s.
After the repair we went back to Tom’s for fuel. I guess we spent 90 minutes or more in Idaho City.
It warmed up to 50’s when we left town.

As we approach Atlanta we have some light showers and stopped under a tree to let them pass.

Had cheese burgers and coffee at the Beaver Lodge, I finally shake the morning chill.
Stop along ridge line on James Creek road. Trent said next stop would be Rocky Bar.
However he decided to stop at this water fall.
After the photo I realize I don’t have my tool bag on the rear rack any more.
I start back tracking in 1st & 2nd gear. A couple miles from the waterfall I flag down a UTV, asked him if
he saw a fender bag on the road . He did , said it was 5-6 miles back. It was 5.5 miles back and hadn’t been
run over ! I hadn’t strapped it properly when I had it off in Idaho City.
Another 30-40 minutes of daylight burned up but I got to ride the James Creek road three times.

Rocky Bar

We rode along the west shore of Anderson Ranch, the SF of the Boise , Prairie and Blacks Creek.
Hit the pavement at sunset .

I got home ~ 8PM, without the delays it would have been around 6PM.