Have you ever had one of those weeks?
* Remember last Thursday 6/4 , I forgot my boots but still got a 45 mile ride in.
* Then Monday 6/8 I got another 65 mile dirt bike ride .
* On Tuesday 6/9 I had to change my chain , sprockets, brake pads & spark plug . 2K MILES ON THE NEW 300 !
* To top it off I had to ride the 950 ( Major Kong needs new shoes) thru Oregon on Wednesday 6/10 to finish off the Durbin Creek section where we lost the trail.
I also personally saved or created 200,000 jobs in the process even though it was above my pay grade.
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Monday 6/10 - Lime Creek w/ David Jones & Murray Avison ~65 miles Sheep Dive => Prez => NF Lime Creek=> Grouse Butte=> Sheep Drive Cool & damp when we left the truck. We needed the pac jackets to ride the road. Road was pretty sloppy from the weekend rains so we decided to ride Sheep Drive in & out to avoid the deep water crossings. Next ride they promised to take me up the Middle Fork Trail. | |
Me catching up on Sheep Drive. I had a couple of episodes along the way. Murray scouting a short side hill section along Sheep Drive.
Bottom of President along Middle Fork of Lime Creek.
Lunch break on North Fork of Lime Creek. Great tight trail, just needs a few more riders down it. Any volunteers? BHO says time for self sacrifice!
“Durbin Creek” Ride ~ 290 miles Wed 6/10/09 Byron & I tried to finish the Durbin creek leg we lost during the Halfway ride. We approached from the Huntington side but were stymied again. The road ended at a ranch. No one was at home and we couldn’t find anyone to ask for permission to ride across the ranch. We still made a loop thru Bridgeport and back around to Malheur Reservoir => Vale => Boise. Interesting country, big vista’s but not something I would do over & over. I picked up several maps of eastern & central Oregon at the Vale BLM office. | |
I saw this out side the Lowe’s on Eagle Rd. |
Byron’s Big Adventure Bike ! |

Inside the Homestead café in Weiser, 813 State Street.
Byron had the “HALF & HALF” while I had the “BIG MESS”.
Vista’s along the “Trail Creek/ Huntington” road. | |
Over looking Clark’s Creek. Clarksville was a mining area during the gold rush days. | |
Malheur City- It once must have a going concern, but all that seems left is this stone wall and the cemetery.

There were several monuments of people born in the 1830’s and of siblings who died weeks apart. They didn’t have “BIG PHARM” in those days !