Loop ~ 55 miles ( 4 bonus miles trying to find trail head out of Atlanta)
Shake Creek , Trail Creek , Atlanta , Grouse Creek, Decker Creek , Willow Creek
Trail Boss – Al
Riders – Chris , John
Photos – John , Chris, Al
Great ride , first time Chris and I did this loop.
I met Chris and Al in Mountain Home and we carpooled to the Shake Creek trailhead.
The trailhead parking was tighter than Al remembered , but he did an impressive job backing the trailer to get the rig turned around.
Just as we were about to start the ride Al noticed my rear tire was flat. I parked the bike over a rock , pulled the wheel . We got the tube out , but couldn’t find any leaks. Remounted the tube and tire , no issues the rest of the ride.
It must have been a sticky valve.
Sheep on lower Shake Creek.
Shake Creek is a fun , fun trail. The single track is about 15 miles long.
Me on Shake Creek

Shake Creek Summit
Meadow along Trail Creek
View into Atlanta
Rest stop on Trail Creek. Just above this Chris smashed his toes on log. I hit the same log with my forks , but stayed on the trail.
Beaver Lodge in Atlanta where we had lunch.
It took a bit of searching , but we eventually found the Grouse Creek trailhead.
Grouse Creek is an ATV trail that was still fun ride on the bike.
Side hill on Decker Creek
Chris and I taking a breather after a climb up Decker Creek, we were both huffing & puffing
Decker Creek Summit
Willow Creek drainage . The top had a couple of miles of rutted , switched back trails filled with bowling ball size rocks. I paddled down through them having to stop every few hundred yards to rest.
About midway down the trail I managed to drop my bike in two shallow but slick creek crossings. The upside is the water cooled my down.
Me in the creek bed, I was tired and stupid , went to dab and stuck my foot in hole , fell in the deepest spot.
Chris grabbed too much front brake and slid off the trail. We had to tie off the rear , then we double teamed the front back on the trail. We were only a couple of miles to the end of the trail !