Trail Boss – Spode Daddy
Riders - Eric
Loop ~ 45 miles / 16 mph avg
fuel consumption ~1.25 g |~ 35+ mpg
Met Eric at the Granite Creek parking lot east of Idaho City.
We were the first trucks, one other arrived as were getting our gear on.
It was Eric’s 1st trail ride since December .
We rode up HooDoo .
My 1st ride up HooDoo since the ridge trail was closed, but I was able to follow the bike tracks
to find the other trail.
Top of HooDoo & Eric coming down the trail.
We then rode Rabbit Hoo down to the North Fork Road.
Eric said he took a couple of tumbles on the way down . Broke off one of the flag guards and had dirt samples in his helmet.
Took the no name ( Meadow Creek North ? ) trail that follows the ridge over to Short Creek.
Great views along the ridge.
As we came off the Short Creek Trail Head , Eric said he spotted a huge elk antler .
I blew right past and missed it.
Took the Meadow Creek Trails.
On the way in there were a couple of fresh windfalls we had to move out of the way.
We stopped for lunch at one of the Meadow Creek Trail Heads.
Got back to the trucks ~ 2 PM. The parking lots were packed !