Loop ~ 60 Miles
Riders – OffRoadRider , Spode Daddy
We both wanted to see what was on “the other side” of Hog Pen Gulch.
We found a trail that took us across Castle Creek toward the Bachman Grade Road.
Mouth of one the canyons on Castle Creek .
The trail took us through a neat basin surround by cliffs. Poked around a bit then took the main route
out of the basin.
We followed more single track that intersected a road. The trail continued across the road , but I was worried
that I was already at the halfway point on gas.
We followed the road to the Spiry Place.
The gate was open so I road up to the ranch house and asked for permission to cross the
property. Told the rancher we were exploring and ended up on the wrong side of the fence.
He immediately knew where we had crossed the canyon and said OK.
Hog Pen had these Voodoo Hippie trinkets through it, some sort of
Electric Kool-Aid ritual . They were brand new , no weathering .

The waterfall was iced up .
If you were an Enduro –X champ you might could find a line up the rock faces.
Back tracking down Hog Pen my right knee locked up. I might of tweaked it , but don’t
remember doing so. It was hard moving from sitting to standing and back. Probably a bit of cartilage
wadded up in the joint. The rest of the ride back to the trucks was more awkward than normal,
worried about jamming / tearing something and not being able to ride at all.
The big Birch Wash was nice and smooth .
I cruised along ~ 40MPH . About a mile from the trucks I hit reserve .