Loop – 245 miles
Riders –Chris , John
Took advantage of the cool temperatures by doing a desert ride.
I had a PT appointment in morning for a gimpy hamstring and Chris said he could get the afternoon off.

We met in Oreana . I was a few minutes late due to making an “emergency pit stop” .
I suspect the previous night’s guacamole was having unintended consequences .
Chris saved me by having a bottle of Imodium. The goal was making it through the day without any “sauce”.
We routed up Bachman Grade through Triangle then Flint Creek.

View of South Mountain from Flint Creek .

Flint Creek is fun to ride . It winds through small canyons , drainages and ranches .

South Mountain Lookout is operated by the BLM. Elevation is 7800 ft.
A more primitive road leads through a mining operation to the lookout . There was a four wheeler parked at
the lookout but we didn’t see anybody. There was a bit of haze otherwise clear views.

The Great Basin Institue was counting flowers , even had tape measures out.
Jordan Creek was a lot more fun without traffic .
The Idaho Hotel in Silver City was closed so we snacked at New York Summit and made a phone call.

As we were about to leave Chris noticed my fork leaking oil.
By the time I got to Dan’s Ferry Service it dripping out.
When I got home my boot had been sprayed with oil. I suspect the fork is empty .